Our free Hanover parenting classes kicked off this week with “Parenting the Love and Logic Way” with our friends from Family-Child Resources.
Over six weeks, those in attendance of the parenting classes will learn tools to help them better raise responsible, respectful kids.
The goal? To love our kids so much that we’re willing to set limits. And to do so with sincere compassion and empathy. Logic happens when we allow our kids to make decisions and affordable mistakes.
In each class – held every Tuesday at our Hanover Center – the parents will learn a skill. They’re asked to experiment with the skill as homework. Each week will add another which builds off the previously-learned skill. The first week was putting an end to arguing, back talk and begging (something we think all parents know too well).
Our parents started off with a video that explained some tips for when you’re arguing with your child.
Step one: Go “brain dead.” The less your lips move, the more effective you become.
Step two: Simply repeat the same, calm, one-liner. “I know.” Don’t be angry, don’t be sarcastic. Give them very little ammunition.
Why’s this so important? Kids crave attention. So if you’re calm and give them little to work with, they’ll likely move on.
We also learned some great tips to help build a relationship like – at least once a day notice something special about them. Love them when they’re behaving not so lovable, and more!
It was a great start to the six-week program of parenting classes. Thanks to our parents for attending and to Patient Care Coordinator Hyacinth Gayle for organizing!