Title: RN, Nurse-Family Partnership program
Years with Family First Health: 32
Missi joined Family First Health’s medical department in 1983 seeking hours and an environment that would work for her young family. As an RN, her work allowed her to care for the same patients she had been seeing in a hospital setting, but on a schedule that worked for her new family. As part of her job, she received training in HIV testing and counseling.
She grew her role to become the nursing supervisor of the Hanover, Lewisberry, George Street and Hannah Penn centers for five years before starting work with the Nurse-Family Partnership (NFP) program.
The Nurse-Family Partnership program allowed Missi to get back into what she loves: Interacting with patients. By meeting with patients in their home environments, the program allows Family First Health to tailor care to each family in order to provide the best possible outcomes for mothers and babies.
Through her work, Missi has the opportunity to assist patients throughout the York area that may not otherwise have a voice in their health care.
In her spare time, Missi enjoys working in her garden; cruising in a 1962 MGA convertible recently restored by her husband, Tom; and bragging about her son and daughter-in-law’s photography business.