Caring Together is a collaborative partnership of Family First Health and WellSpan Health.
How can the Family First Health Caring Together team help me?
People who are HIV positive have unique needs and challenges in accessing medical care, case management and other services. Caring Together provides a seamless system of coordinated, high quality care for people who are HIV positive so they can easily access the services they need.
Caring Together services include:
- Free/confidential HIV testing
- Medical care
- Medical case management
- Medication & nutrition consultation
- Connection to community resources
- Transportation, food pantries, housing, utility, prescription drugs, insurance/deductible assistance for eligible clients.
- Access to other Family First Health services: Including integrated services and dental
- Referrals to specialty care as needed

Who qualifies for the program?
All Caring Together patients must be diagnosed with HIV/AIDs, but do not need to be Family First Health medical patients.
Our FREE, confidential HIV testing is open to the public Monday through Friday, 8:30am-3:30pm at our George Street Center on the 3rd floor. This walk-in testing is open to all individuals 13 and up and is not limited to Family First Health patients.
What’s my first step to get started?
Please contact the Caring Together program directly at 717-846-6776. Any of our team members will be able to help get you started.
What should I know/bring for my first appointment?
- Photo ID/driver’s license
- Insurance card
- Proof of address (i.e. piece of mail to your home)
- Income information
- List of all medications
Which FFH sites are these services available at?
- George Street Center (Some patients may be seen at the WellSpan Community Health Center)
- Hanover Center
- Gettysburg Center
When will I see a doctor and how often?
Our goal is to schedule you an appointment within one week of enrollment into our program. Your needs will be determined by your doctor and discussed with you at your first appointment.
Is my partner safe?
We can provide you and your partner (with consent) with educational materials and talk about precaution/risk reduction options that you two can choose from together.
What are my treatment options and what will the side effects and cost be for those treatments?
There are many different medications approved to treat HIV, and your doctor will discuss the treatment options best suited to meet your needs. They will also review the side effects with you as well. Most medications are covered by insurance or a special pharmaceutical program, but if you are unable to afford your medications, please talk to a member of the Caring Together team.
What if I don’t have insurance?
If you don’t have insurance we will schedule a time that you can meet with our eligibility specialist who will walk you through the Health Insurance Marketplace and answer any questions you might have.
I’m homeless. Can you help me with housing?
Once enrolled in our case management services, we can see if you are eligible for any housing assistance, or connect you with any community resources that may be helpful.